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Headteacher's Welcome

On behalf of the children, staff and governors at St Paul’s I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to our school. We are a small, one-form entry village school nestled in the heart of Wooburn Green. We provide a rich, innovative, creative and engaging curriculum in an environment where every child can thrive and is positively encouraged to ask questions, take risks and grow in confidence.

I feel extremely proud to be the headteacher at St Paul’s and look forward to coming into school every day, as do our children - who attend eagerly, with smiles on their faces, ready to learn!

Our vision is for every child to achieve their full potential across all areas of the curriculum. We want every child to experience learning in a positive, stimulating and caring environment, and we strive to ensure that all children have access to a wide range of opportunities throughout their time at our school.

Our friendly and dedicated staff team are committed to providing a secure and happy environment in which all children can thrive socially, emotionally and academically.

Our school has a caring ethos based upon our school values, and we strive to ensure that all cultures, faiths and backgrounds are embraced and children show respect for each other. Our children are highly motivated, well-behaved and truly delightful to teach!

If you would like to come and experience first hand our wonderful school in action, please do get in touch; we would be more than happy to show you and your child around and see our children in action.

Mrs Charlotte Dennis - Headteacher

"It is good being a St Paul's learner because when I am learning it feels like I am playing." Year 1  

"We like being pupils at St Paul's because the teachers make lessons fun, even when they are hard. We have lots of opportunities, such as school trips, break the rules day, read and snuggle day and performances. There are also lots of optional chances for children to be independent and helpful and most of all, everyone is kind." Year 6