Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.
Pupil premium is an allocation of funding provided to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential. Children in care, defined in the Children Act 1989, as one who is in the care of, or provided with accommodation by, an English local authority and children who have been adopted from local authority care, or who have left care under a special guardianship or care arrangements order, are eligible for Pupil Premium Plus funding. The Service Premium was also introduced for children whose parent(s) are, or have since 2011, served in the armed forces.
At St Paul's, we have a whole school ethos of promoting learning to set high aspirations for all of our children. We pride ourselves in enabling them with skills to reach their full potential, academically and socially. In order to do this, we engage in a range of strategies to ensure challenge at an appropriate level and provide support to overcome barriers to learning. The strategies employed ensure that all disadvantaged pupils, regardless of their ability, are given appropriate support to move them on to their next steps of learning.
When making decisions on how to use our pupil premium funding effectively we have made use of a range of research, most prominently the Education Endowment Foundation’s Teaching and Learning Toolkit, which analyses the impact and value for money of a variety of interventions.
Parents can register for FSM by completing the form below and producing the evidence required.
How is Pupil Premium Funding used at St Paul’s?
The amount of money received at St Paul's is relatively small and requires sensitive targeting. To prevent identification of pupils, specific information about the initiatives is held within school.
Assessments are made of pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium in order to offer the correct additional provision that they each require. The strategies put in place to support the pupils vary from day to day work in the classroom, to small group work, to individual one-on-one tuition.
Effective strategies used:
The outcomes for our disadvantaged children are the shared responsibility of everyone in our school.
The action plan detailing the allocation of the Pupil Premium funding can be found in the strategy document below.