Attendance Matters
Regular school attendance is essential for children to grow in social and academic confidence. We believe that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them and become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to make a positive contribution to their community. Based upon its Christian foundation, St Paul’s values all pupils. We work with families to identify the barriers to attendance and try to resolve any difficulties by building strong and trusting relationships, working together to put the right support in place.
St Paul’s recognises that attendance is a matter for the whole school community. Securing good attendance cannot be seen in isolation, and effective practices for improvement will involve close interaction with schools’ efforts on curriculum, behaviour, bullying, special educational needs support, pastoral and mental health and wellbeing, and effective use of resources. This policy also takes into account the Human Rights Act 1998, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Race Relations Act 2000.
“7. Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. The foundation of securing good attendance is that school is a calm, orderly, safe, and supportive environment where all pupils want to be and are keen and ready to learn.”1
1 Working Together to Improve School Attendance - DfE May 2022
Attending school regularly means that:
Recent research suggests that children who are missing up to 6 weeks schooling during the year actually fall 2 terms behind their peers.
Applications should be made to the Headteacher in writing in advance
What is unauthorised absence?
During school time pupils should not be absent due to:
Routine medical appointments should not be made during the school day if at all possible.
We want you to help us to help you…..and together we will know your child is safe.
If we don’t hear from you then you will hear from us.
If the school does not hear from you and your child is not in school, you will receive a telephone call.
Persistent absences or lateness causing concern will be dealt with according to the school's Attendance Policy