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St Paul's Church of England Combined School

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For more information about St Paul's curriculum, enquire at the School Office.

Visits and visitors are subject to change

As well as class visits, visitors and themed days, we also have whole school themed weeks and days. In the past these have included:


Art Week

Science Week

Growth Mindset Days

Fit for Life Week

Sports Day

World Book Day

Joy of Reading Week

Music Week

The Greatest Showman Week

Home Learning

There is a home learning programme throughout the school. At the start of each academic year we send home a Home School Agreement outlining our commitment to pupils and parents and saying what we expect from them. We ask that pupils and parents acknowledge their responsibilities by signing and returning a section of the agreement. We believe that pupils need time to consolidate their learning, opportunities to do their learning in real life situations and to develop the self discipline needed to work independently. We also feel that home learning allows parents to see what their child is doing and understand what their targets are as learners.

We rely on parents to give reading practice on a daily basis so that we can focus on teaching the skills of reading. All children have reading diaries so parents can record what children have read and any comments they feel will be helpful to the teacher.


Home School Agreement
This document is signed by the Parent, Child and Teacher in preparation for the Parent Consultation session.

Home School Agreement 2021-2022
