Science St Pauls
We aim to encourage a healthy curiosity in our children about our universe and promote respect for the living and non-living. We believe Science encompasses the acquisition of knowledge, concepts, skills, values and positive attitudes to learning.
We are Scientists.
Be like a Scientist. We are theory testers, experimenters, evaluators.
- The Science taught in the school is based on the National Curriculum objectives and a skills progression.
- Pupils receive 1.5 hours of Science per week which will focus on learning Science knowledge, vocabulary and investigative skills.
- We use a hands-on approach involving practical work and investigations, with the focus on skills as well as factual knowledge.
- Research takes place to broaden knowledge using texts and the internet.
- Role play, songs, games and quizzes are used to engage pupils.
- Learning outcomes are recorded in a variety of ways including diagrams, posters, written reports, result tables, Venn diagrams.
- Children discuss and debate ideas and theories.
- There are frequent opportunities for pair and group activities.
- Also we provide opportunities for outdoor learning, trips and visits.
- Pupils are encouraged to be curious, ask questions and test theories.
- Tasks emphasise the accurate use of relevant scientific vocabulary.