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St Paul's Church of England Combined School

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Key Policies

All school policies can be obtained from the School Office.  Please write or e-mail with your request. If you should require a paper copy let us know. They will be provided free of charge. Key policies are published below. Other policies are published on relevant pages of the website.



Equal Opportunities


St Paul's school is committed to providing equality of opportunity to all those associated with it regardless of race, religion, gender or ability. We actively promote inclusion and seek to provide a learning environment accessible to all.


St Paul’s school is an anti-racist establishment. Racist behaviour or abuse will not be tolerated.


Equality Objectives


Equality Objective 1: To promote cultural understanding through a rich range of experiences


The issue of developing a deeper awareness of diversity remains a challenge in our largely mono-cultural school. The links with other cultures we have are exploited fully and enrich many aspects of school life including PE lessons, assemblies, class trips and music experiences.


Equality Objective 2: To move beyond deterministic notions of fixed ability and to model teaching and learning behaviours that avoid labelling.


We are committed to developing positive attitudes to learning and the concept of growth mindset meaning we can all literally 'grow our brains'. Children are encouraged to welcome struggle as part of learning and develop perseverance and determination. 

Equality Objective Annual Report - Summer 2023

How St Paul's complies with the public body equality duty:


Decision makers in schools are aware of the duty to have “due regard” when making a decision or taking an action and assess whether it may have particular implications for people with particular protected characteristics. We consider equality implications before and at the time that we develop policy and take decisions, not as an afterthought, and keep these under review on a continuing basis – it is not just a question of ticking boxes or following a particular process.
