Mrs Hamm and Mrs Scarborough
Welcome to Our Class Page
By the start of Year 4, the children have transitioned well to Key Stage 2. They are able to show themselves as more independent learners, able to get any resources needed using their own initiative. This independence is encouraged in their more structured daily routines, such as changing their own Oxford Reading Tree books and home readers.
Year 4 has an exciting curriculum, exploring many different topics including:
In History, they will learn about the Iron Age, Ancient Greece and the Romans.
In Design and Technology, they will investigate mechanisms to be able to design and create their own pop-up books. They will use the knowledge gained in their Science electricity topic to make torches. They will also look at some fantastic examples of Roman mosaics, again to inspire their own versions.
Other Science topics will include Sound, States of Matter and Habitats.
Music will begin with understanding what musical features mean and using practical activities to show their understanding. This year the children are really excited to be taking part in the Echoes production which will be performed at the Royal Albert Hall! They will also continue to learn to play more notes on the recorder as well as using other instruments in school.
English work will be based around the books The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Ice Palace and The Hodgeheg to begin the year. I’m sure these will grab the children’s interest.
Maths will begin with Place Value, Addition and Subtraction methods and Multiplication and Division. Times tables knowledge and quick recall is also key in Year 4, so there will be a focus on this every day.
I’m sure the children will have a fantastic and rewarding year!