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Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is the concept that intelligence can grow. It emphasises the importance of positive learning attitudes including resilience, perseverance and problem solving.


Research by Developmental Psychologist Dr Carol Dweck of Stanford University points to people having one of, or a combination of, two mindsets: Growth and Fixed. A child's belief about intelligence is an important factor in whether they become an effective learner.


St Paul's School aims to embed the ethos that struggle and failure are an essential part of learning. Children are encouraged to embrace challenge and look for ways to push themselves beyond their comfort zone in a supportive environment.


Please find below some further explanation of this approach:

Children's Growth Mindset Books

How We Learn

Still image for this video

The power of yet - Carol Dweck

Austin's Butterfly: Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback

Ron Berger, Chief Academic Officer at EL Education demonstrates the transformational power of critique and descriptive feedback to improve student work. Here he tells the story of Austin's Butterfly.

Carol Dweck: The Effect of Praise on Mindsets

James Nottingham's Learning Pit
