Our School Values have been defined in consultation with children, parents, staff and governors at St Paul's. They have been chosen as umbrella terms and encompass a range of principles and shared beliefs which are explored through collective worship, class activities, PSHE lessons and beyond. These values are evident in these areas but not least in the way that all of us interact in school.
These values are based on Christian values but are wholly inclusive of those of different faiths and none. Children are taught not just to tolerate, but to celebrate diversity and difference in school and in wider society.
These are examples of Bible stories that have been used to exemplify the School Values:
Courage - The life story of St Paul, David and Goliath, Daniel in the Lion's Den, Joshua and the Spies, Esther
Respect - The Ten Commandments, Paul's letters, Jesus in the Temple, Zaccheus, Jesus' New Commandment
Enjoyment - The Fruits of the Spirit, Wedding at Cana, Feeding of the Five Thousand
Hope - Gideon, The Good Shepherd, The Parable of the Sower, Blind Bartemeaus
Family & Community - Onesimus the Slave, Nehemiah, David and Jonathan, Jesus and his disciples, The Good Samaritan
The vast majority of parents believed that St Paul’s School promotes strong Christian values and ethos in the students.
Many parents chose to write comments about what their view of the school’s Christian ethos is, and areas such as: respect, Christian values, kindness, tolerance and hope, the Church and school links and the opportunity for the children to have prayer space seemed to be some of the key aspects that parents most appreciated.